Your Car Details LLC

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy information in this notice applies only to this website.

At Your Car Details LLC, we respect your right to privacy. We understand that keeping your financial information confidential is important to you. We want you to understand what data we request, how it is used, and what we do to protect it.

Below is the information we collect from you and how we handle it through our website.

Information Automatically Collected:

IP Address – We use your IP address for various purposes. The IP address is automatically logged, along with the domain name you’re using when accessing the website. This information is stored solely to record the number of visits and website traffic. This information is not shared with third parties for any reason and is regularly removed from our database. IP addresses are not used for any purpose other than what is mentioned in this paragraph.

Cookies – Our website uses cookies for different purposes.

Cookies are used to identify frequent visitors to our website. Changing your browser settings to “reject” cookies does not block the content of the website entirely.

Our Privacy Protection Principles

Online registration forms on our website require users to provide us with their contact information (such as name, email, and zip code). Your Car Details LLC does not share your information with any company or third parties, except for those helping us provide assistance to you, and these parties are required to keep the information strictly confidential. We do not rent or sell your information to any marketing companies. We maintain security practices and procedures designed to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of your personal information. We also educate our staff on how to protect and safeguard our customers’ information to prevent its unauthorized use or disclosure, and we limit access to this information to only those individuals assisting you.

Offline/Email Data Collection Your Car Details LLC only collects limited information from consumers through its electronic forms.

What Information Do We Collect?

We collect non-public personal information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on applications or forms you have filled out either online or manually, as well as information collected through face-to-face conversations, phone calls, and email communications. This information may include your name, address, phone number.
  • Information about your transactions with us.

What Information Might We Disclose?

We may disclose the following types of non-public personal information about you when we are in the process of providing a service to buy or sell properties on your behalf:

  • Information we receive from you through your application or other forms of communication, which may include: your name, address, phone number, email, and additional information.

To Whom Do We Disclose Information?

We do not disclose non-public personal information about our current or former customers to anyone, except when required by a court order, by law, or when we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to enforce our terms or other agreements or policies. We may disclose non-public personal information about you to: banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders, or financial companies. To fulfill our mission in providing services to you, we may disclose your personal information to our service providers or third parties who assist us in performing those services. Without limiting service provision, these companies may provide us with data management services.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

Only those employees or service agents who are required to maintain confidentiality and who need to know your non-public personal information to assist you have access to that information.

External Links

This website contains links to other websites. Your Car Details LLC is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. The content of these websites is unknown, and you should not assume that Your Car Details LLC endorses, recommends, or validates the content of any website linked to Your Car Details LLC’s pages or any other page on our website. Any complaints about the content of websites linked to Your Car Details LLC’s web pages should be directed to the owners of those pages, not to Your Car Details LLC.


This website has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. The information, if any, entered and used by the website visitor is kept strictly confidential. Only the information the visitor provides and authorizes is used for the purpose it was provided.

Consent to Electronic Voice Communication

The customer consents to conduct business electronically. The customer understands that electronic transactions, including but not limited to emails, will be reasonably protected by Your Car Details LLC to ensure privacy in the information shared between the parties. The customer understands that all calls may be recorded or monitored for quality and compliance purposes. The customer consents to receive information and documents related to the services of this agreement and Your Car Details LLC via email, text message, fax, voicemail, or any other common electronic medium. The customer can contact Your Car Details LLC at any time to opt out of receiving updates, new programs, or offers through pre-recorded messages or automated dialing. Consent to this section does not obligate the customer to any future purchases of new services or offers.

Questions or Suggestions?

If you have any questions about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us by emailing [client’s email address]. If you want to correct any personal information in our records, please send a written request.

Thank you for choosing Your Car Details LLC to assist you in achieving your goal.
